How To: Incorporate Simple Daily Tasks

Incorporating simple, meaningful routine tasks that residents can be responsible for each day…

Keeping residents active and giving them a job or a purpose is paramount to a feeling of self-worth and being needed. As you get older, being able to do less for yourself makes you feel more useless. Allowing residents to be a part of the daily life of the home, and asking them for their help, gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment.


  • Delivering papers
  • Putting up posters on noticeboards
  • Watering the plants
  • Locking the doors at night
  • Cleaning – dusting, hoovering
  • Cooking – peeling potatoes, buttering bread
  • Setting tables
  • Informing other residents of activities and mealtimes
  • Putting the news on in the communal areas at the same time each night
  • Setting up and clearing away activity items
  • Feeding the home’s pet/s

Other things residents can help with:

  • Writing letters
  • Spell-checking newsletters
  • Helping with fundraising events: ripping up raffle tickets, welcoming people to the home, manning a stall, counting the money etc.

How to ask a resident for help:
Appeal to their caring nature. Even though you do not necessarily need help, residents like to help out and feel useful. Try phrases such as:

  • I’m really struggling with time, could you help me wash the dishes?
  • Could you show me where Room 44 is? I need to deliver the paper and I know it’s around here somewhere… Can you help?
  • I’ve got to make bunting for this fundraising event and more hands make light work. Are you able to do some for me please?
  • More helpers make a task easier – are you able to help set a few of these tables with me?

Any task you do, or tasks that residents may have done before moving into a care home, should still be attempted where possible. Sometimes it may take longer, but the cognitive and social stimulation of the person is more important than simply getting the job done quickly.