The Joy of June

This time last year, says Jan Millward in her June activities column, we were locked down with no visitors and no vaccine in sight. What a difference a year makes!

I hope that you are slowly getting back to some sense of normality and that you are able to welcome back some of the loyal outside entertainers once again.
Make the most of the relaxing of the rules and organise mini excursions from your home. You don’t have to go far, even a walk to the local shop for an ice cream is a real treat.

The Queen’s Birthday, 12 June
This year, the Queen’s official birthday will be quite poignant without Prince Philip by her side, but I am sure you will all still be rolling out the bunting on Saturday 12 June to mark her official birthday and have a bit of a party.

The Queen will be 95, so try having a session with your residents to find out 95 facts or memories about the Royal Family – you will be surprised at the results!

Have a go at these simple hand wreaths.

They can be used in chair-based exercise classes as well as making great window decorations. Simply tie short lengths of red, white and blue ribbon around small craft frames. You can be creative with colours, or decide on a theme or design together.

Fathers’ Day, 20th June

A day to focus on your male residents. Not everyone will have been a father, but everyone will have had a dad. Change the rules and have a brunch, with bacon and eggs and a mug of tea, which should go down well!

If the weather is fine, you may like to create a pop-up pub in the garden. Set up games such as skittles and quoits or golf putting. Offer snacks, such as mini sausage rolls and pork pies and invite all your residents out for the afternoon. You can always adapt the games if the forecast is wet.

And don’t forget to order a special Fathers’ Day Sparkling Times for your male residents currently on a special offer of just 9.99 (normally 14.99 – use the code FATHERS21).

Summer Solstice, 21st June

The 21st June signifies the true start of summer, so hope for plenty of warm sunshine. Make some lovely sunflowers by cutting out lots of petal shapes and glueing onto a circle of card. Cover the middle with a smaller circle, and then glue some seeds on for extra effect!

Also this month

Wimbledon starts at the end of June, and Royal Ascot is a great excuse to get out the posh hats and teacups.

In the garden

This is the month to start planting out beans, peas and lettuces in pots. Beans grown in a wigwam shape are great because there is little bending required when harvesting them! Sunflower growing is always popular, and for the arty ones, have a go at painting the flower pots.

Make sure to also leave out tasks for those who like to go and check on the garden, ie leave a watering can and some gardening gloves for anyone who like to potter.

This is a great time to make a sensory garden – start with herbs such as mint, sage and thyme, which can be grown in pots outside bedrooms. (You can find more information on creating care home gardens here.)

You could also plant a buddleia bush to attract butterflies, and even make your own sundial. Instructions here.

See you in July.