‘Reader’s Corner’ – Violet’s Musical Memories

Mandy Stovell, the Support Manager at Carlisle Lodge Nursing Home, reached out to let us know how a recent edition of the Daily Sparkle prompted some wonderful reminiscence for one of her residents.

Mandy says, “A resident here at Carlisle Lodge has thoroughly enjoyed reading the Daily Sparkle with our Activities Coordinator. It has brought back some lovely memories for her. She has written the below, which I wanted to share on your Reader’s Corner.”


Violet writes…“I have only just become a fan of The Daily Sparkle. I am 92 years old and a member of a large and happy family – five boys and four girls. Alas, only four of us left now. The column about Ronald Ronalde took me back to a time when I used to whistle. I loved to hear him on the radio, particularly the tune “If i were a blackbird.” My mother was full of old sayings. She would always say to me “a whistling woman and a crowing hen is neither good for God nor men!” Another singer at the time was Cavan O’Connor, an Irish tenor who sang on workers playtime – “Im only a roving vagabond”. In fact, my brothers called their cricket team ‘The Vagabonds’ because they had no ground of their own. Happy Days!”

Violet Wilcox, Carlisle Lodge Nursing Home


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