Daily Sparkle Wins Major Award

We are delighted to have won a National Business Award, recognising our commitment to improving and changing the lives of the elderly and those living with dementia.

Described by Former Prime Minister David Cameron as the ‘Oscars of British Business’, The Lloyds National Business Awards recognises good leadership, innovation and excellence in the workplace, and its social impact award focuses on businesses who have achieved meaningful and sustainable social impact and improvement in the communities in which it operates.

The Daily Sparkle produces reminiscence newspapers and activities resources which are used in over 1000 care homes nationwide to combat loneliness, boredom and depression in thousands of people living with dementia.

Changing Lives

Founder, Chris Harding, says: “We are so excited to have won this award. It is such important recognition of everything we work so hard to achieve, and the work of all the incredibly dedicated activity coordinators and care home managers we work with. Ever since setting up the business 13 years ago, my passion has been about changing the lives of those people living with dementia, believing that it is possible to live well with dementia, and live well into old age, and that no-one should ever be lonely or bored.”

Lloyds Bank National Business Awards 2018, Grosvenor House, London, 13.11.18, Steve Pope, Fotowales

Reminiscence Resource

The Daily Sparkle newspaper features old-fashioned nostalgia stories on anything from old cars and steam trains to women’s fashion trends and vintage baking recipes. At its most simple, it provides easy discussion topics and points of interest for care home residents, especially those with dementia, and gets them talking with their friends and family.

But, on a deeper level, it also allows people to experience the joy of a shared memory or a mutual moment from the past. When we reminisce, we talk about the good times in our lives, the moments we felt happy, confident, in control. Reminiscing through the Daily Sparkle brings these important feelings back for people every single day, and these shared memories allow people to make connections, to develop friendships, and to feel less alone.

National Business Awards 2018 events director Sarah Austin said: “It’s not uncommon for news to add to our levels of anxiety, but the Daily Sparkle does precisely the opposite. It features short, snappy articles often written using post-wartime language that older people relate to better – that trigger memories of happier times. It can really boost the patients self-esteem and help them feel good about themselves. And, by encouraging them to share precious memories, it’s a really lovely vehicle for them to connect and build relationships with staff and residents, and even their visiting family and friends.”

Getting People Talking

Chris Harding adds: “If a resource doesn’t create a situation where people are talking to one another, then it’s missing the mark. Our resources are designed to be used with people – to be read out, to be part of group chat sessions, to be an opportunity for quizzes and reminiscing. Simply put, they need a human being to make them work. And thank goodness for that. Without someone sitting down with the Sparkles and talking or reading through them, they are useless. And we wouldn’t want it any other way.”

You can watch a short video of the night below:

Find out more about our newspapers here.