Therapeutic Approaches Training

An all-new training course, from the team that designed our wonderful Activity Coordinator Training Day, is now available, looking at specific therapeutic approaches, how they work in a care setting and how you can use them successfully.

Meaningful activities that make a real difference

Our brand new course builds on our successful Activity Coordinator Training Day and aims to address some of the more challenging aspects of providing truly person-centred engagement for people with a range of abilities.

We have drawn together some of the most effective and well-evidenced therapeutic approaches, which are:

  • Reminiscence Therapy
  • Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
  • Validation Therapy
  • Sensory and Multisensory Therapies

By bringing together elements of these therapies in a practical way which can be translated into your care setting, this course will allow you to provide moments of connection with people you care for.

What Can You Expect?

Participants will be supported to develop their skills and understanding of a range of approaches and explore ways of adapting activity to suit varying abilities. This training day will include opportunities for you to learn in a practical way and will cover topics such as:

  • Exploring the concept of distressed behaviour and unmet needs.
  • Reflecting on a model of preventative approaches rather than reactive interventions to meet peoples needs.
  • Learning about aspects of therapeutic approaches used in a context of meaningful activity.
  • Developing the practical skills needed to adopt some key therapeutic approaches.
  • Learning some techniques that you can implement in your care setting.

The training will be most effective if approached with a determination to implement some of the suggested techniques in a care setting, and at the end of the training day you are invited to produce your own implementation plan to test out your learning back in your workplace.

The upcoming dates are Bradford 29th Jan, Glasgow 5th Feb and Lisburn 19th Feb – book here.