‘Ask Jan’ – Christmas with Relatives

“Dear Jan, How should we involve relatives at Christmas? Someone asked me the other day whether relatives are welcome to join us for Christmas dinner on Christmas Day and I wasn’t sure how it should be done.

Thanks, Toni”


Dear Toni,

There are a few things to consider here.

One home I used to work in would provide the main Christmas dinner (roast turkey with all the trimmings) on Christmas Eve and a lighter lunch, such as fillet of salmon with new potatoes and vegetables, on Christmas Day. This worked well as so many of the residents in that particular care home would spend Christmas Day with their relatives or friends in their homes. This is one option to consider, but a lot depends on your staffing levels and residents.

If Christmas dinner on Christmas Day is a more convenient option for you, then perhaps it’s worth a meeting with your manager to sort out the finer details. Are your kitchen team willing to cater for extras? If so, then relatives could be invited in for lunch, so long as they ‘book’ in advance. I would personally suggest that relatives are asked to pay a token donation towards the cost of the lunch. This money would cover the cost of extra portions of food and any leftover money could be used to fund a New Year’s Day buffet for families and friends.

Alternatively, you could hold a relatives’ party – afternoon tea with mince pies and Christmas carols on Christmas Eve, or later in the afternoon / early evening on Christmas Day.

Unfortunately, you will never be able to provide the perfect solution for every single resident, relative and member of staff. The key is to make a clear plan with your manager and then communicate things clearly to relatives. As long as you make it clear what they can and can’t attend (and all staff are aware) then you shouldn’t have any awkward conversations or upset. Always take into account your residents’ and relatives’ wishes – it is important that no one feels unwelcome on Christmas Day, so exceptions can always be made in certain circumstances. Being with loved ones and feeling welcome and comfortable is so important, after all.

I hope that helps,

Best wishes,


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