Our simple and straightforward ‘How To’ series with Robyn Taylor continues with ideas and top tips for setting up a cake-decorating session…
You Will Need
- Ready-made cakes, cupcakes, cookies, or ice cream cones.
- A selection of different coloured icing sugars, sugar creams, icing pens, edible accessories, hundreds and thousands, chocolate buttons etc.
What To Do
Put a selection of ingredients in the middle of the table and help pass things to people when needed, or have a plate for each person with their own selection of decorating equipment to use.
- Encourage the person to be expressive and decorate their cake in any way they like.
- If you are decorating with a theme or an occasion in mind, make and decorate a cake beforehand and encourage the residents to copy it.
- When holding an activity with a person with dementia, it is always important to explain, demonstrate and praise throughout.
- Poundland always have a good selection of icing equipment and cake decorations.
- Use Pinterest as a great resource for baking ideas.
- Ask your chef to pop in for half an hour to give a demonstration.
- For residents who are unable to come out of their rooms, take a selection of cakes/cupcakes/cookies and decorating items to their rooms and do this as a one-to-one activity.