Every year we are delighted to sponsor two awards at the National Dementia Care Awards.
We feel privileged to be part of the team that awards the Best Activity Coordinator for People Living with Dementia, which this year was won by the very deserving Debbie Harding of Coombe Hill Manor, in Surrey.

Best Activity Coordinator winner Debbie Harding of Coombe Hill Manor, pictured with former MP Hazel Blears and Daily Sparkle founder, Chris Harding.
In addition, we also sponsor the Exceptional Contribution by a Person Living with Dementia Award, which we were partly responsible for introducing several years ago, because we wanted to acknowledge the amazing work done by those people for whom dementia is a daily reality. This year, the award was won by Terry Eccott from Hampshire, who was recognised for his incredible work with Care Campaign for the Vulnerable. Collecting his award on stage, Eccott was met with a rapturous applause, as well as a standing ovation, and spoke passionately regarding his views on better care for those living with dementia. He said: “Thank you very much, I feel honoured and very humbled to receive this award. Hopefully, I can use this to open more doors and make even more awareness, which in itself in the long term will help the people who have been diagnosed and, just as important, the many carers who are often forgotten, who also have to live with the disease as well 24/7. We must not forget that the fight against dementia is still and will continue for many many years…thank you all once again, this award means so much to me.”

Exceptional Contribution by a Person Living with Dementia, winner Terry Eccott from Hampshire, pictured with former MP Hazel Blears and Daily Sparkle founder, Chris Harding.