National Day of Arts in Care Homes

Today is the day to get creative!

24th September is National Day of Arts in Care Homes – an annual event intending to champion, promote and encourage arts in care settings and highlight the health and wellbeing benefits for all involved.

The aim for today is to encourage creativity. Every resident should have the opportunity to create their own work of art.

We have produced a ready-to-use session guide for you to use with your residents to encourage creativity and celebrate self-identity. Download ourSelf-Portrait Session Guide herehere to get started.

After the session (and only once artworks are completely dry!) make sure you showcase them in a communal area. Allow residents to explore and admire other residents’ self-portraits. Take a photo of each artwork and submit them to our Self- Portrait competition, for your chance to win a bundle of prizes.

Use the entry form below

Every entry will be featured on our website, in our popular Reader’s Corner. We will choose one winning entry. The resident will receive a certificate and the AC entering on their behalf will receive a bundle of goodies to support and enhance the activity provision within their care setting.

Enter now!