Person-Centred Partnership

We are thrilled to announce we are partnering with Person Centred Software, a company which produces intuitive, mobile administrative software designed to fit with a care home’s day-to-day running, help with recording and evidencing care, and reducing the amount of time spent on data input and paperwork.

Person-Centred Software has designed and developed a service called Mobile Care Monitoring, which is a mobile solution for recording care interactions, making electronic care plans and reporting. The solution has so far enabled over 1,300 care homes in the UK to record and evidence care as it happens, with an icon-driven app which care staff and other users can add information to in real time, on the go.

The programme reduces paperwork and gives carers more time to care, improving care quality and the care cycle overall. It is also a fantastic device for use during CQC inspections, including sections for the new Key Levels of Enquiry (KLOE).

The Daily Sparkle’s integration with the programme will allow activity coordinators to track not just activities attendance, but mood (before and after), engagement levels, and also capture new information that the reminiscence session uncovered, which would then be added to a resident’s life story and care plan. There is even a relatives portal, where family members can see what their loved ones have enjoyed during their interaction with the Daily Sparkle. Most importantly, it will evidence that the resident made a choice in the subject matter of the session, itself a wonderful expression of person-centred care.

The programme has helped thousands of providers to be recognised for innovative, transparent and person-centred care, and we are very happy to be a part of this important development.