‘Reader’s Corner’ – Poetry by Phyllis

We always love receiving letters and emails from our subscribers, particularly when they are sharing readers’ memories and creations. Today we are sharing poems written by Phyllis, a resident at Bridgewood House Care Home in Enfield, Essex. These were submitted as an entry to our recent competition, where we asked residents to explore and celebrate their identity through any means of art. We are thrilled to share these wonderful poems with you.


Phyllis Watson was born in Scotland and lived in Glasgow. In her late twenties, she made the brave move to Germany where she had a job working as a chambermaid. In Germany, she wrote poems about her feelings – about the country, about her loneliness, and about being unable to speak the language. You will be glad to know that eventually she made many friends. Phyllis returned ‘home’ to the UK seven years later, fluent in German! Often, Phyllis will write a poem for someone who is feeling sad or lonely. She likes to use her poetry to uplift others. Words and poems are the essence of Phyllis – it is her way of expressing herself.”


Bridgewood House Care Home


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