The Daily Sparkle & Home Care

We’re so pleased to announce that our resources are now available to domiciliary agencies working in the home with the elderly and people living with dementia.

It has long been our desire to share our resources more widely with those people still living at home, and now we can. Ultimately, the Daily Sparkle is built around one mission: improving the quality of life for older people and people living with dementia. With a readership of over 100,000, the Daily Sparkle is found in care settings throughout the UK – care homes, day centres, hospitals, and now home care agencies.

The Daily Sparkle helps carers be better at what they do, providing them with a simple way to connect with clients and get off to a good start. The Sparkles get people talking and, because of that, they are the perfect tool for building and consolidating carer-client relationships.

For home care agency owners, the Daily Sparkle helps with branding, compliance and stakeholder relations. Simply using your Daily Sparkles marks your agency as a place where clients will be stimulated, as well as cared for physically. You can strengthen your branding further by including your agency’s name on the cover of the Daily Sparkle and referencing The Sparkles on your website.

The Daily Sparkle is also perfect for helping ensure compliance with the Care Standards Act covering the KLOE section on being Responsive. It also helps agency managers to comply with the Core Competencies set out by the CQC, to embody the ethos of the Dignity in Care Campaign and to support the growing importance of meaningful engagement in care settings.


The power of the Daily Sparkle to bring people together extends beyond clients and carers. Clients’ relatives and friends often enjoy reading and talking about articles and the other activities within its pages. The Daily Sparkle adds another fun and rewarding dimension to their calls and visits.

From many years of experience, we know that our Home Care Companionship Package works beautifully for all concerned.

You can find out more with a free no-obligation four-week trial. Find out more here, and sign-up here.