Seated Activities

Last week, our founder Chris, attended a Seated Physical Activities (SPA) Training Day delivered by Tony Duke, of Revitalyz. Chris says: “Although I had heard good things about Tony and Revitalyz for many years, it was only recently that we finally met and got a chance to see if we could work collaboratively. I attended one of their open workshops to experience first-hand how the day was structured, the quality and content of the training and of course the delivery. My overall impression. Brilliant!”

From the very start, Tony was energetic and thoroughly engaging. While letting participants know that this would be a very ‘practical’ day, he began with some valuable theoretical concepts so everyone could understand why some activities work, or don’t, and he spoke knowledgably about the art of gaining resident engagement (avoiding the ‘exercise’ word!).

The undercurrent for the day was to motivate and build confidence: for those attending to gain confidence to lead seated physical activity sessions and to help participants understand how we can help clients or residents to maintain some of their physical abilities and encourage confidence in themselves. Then it was on to practical exercises, firstly without any equipment, then adding a small selection of easy to use and very affordable items. Chris adds: “Tony didn’t just demonstrate, but also challenged us to think for ourselves about how we might generate physical activity almost without people being aware that they were ‘exercising’.”

At the end of the day, as the participants shared their experience of the training, it was clearly evident that everyone felt enabled and empowered to go back to their places of work and run regular SPA (Seated Physical Activities) Sessions, with all the benefits to health that they provide.

I have no hesitation in whole-heartedly recommending Tony’s training. Revitalyz deliver in-house training workshops throughout the UK at very competitive prices, plus they run a number of open courses which are excellent value for money at just £95 for the day.”

For further details you can contact Zoe at or phone on 023 9235 8285.