‘Ask Jan’ – Slow Mealtimes

“Dear Jan, How do you manage very slow mealtimes? I find that some residents take so long to finish lunch that they’ve missed loads of afternoon activities.”

Josef, Activities Assistant


Dear Josef,

Thank you for your question. It is a perpetual problem, isn’t it!

First of all, remember that mealtimes offer the opportunity for meaningful engagement. If a resident is enjoying their food and engaging with their carer and fellow residents, then that is an activity in itself.

  • On a practical note, perhaps you could look at timings and activity schedules. Many homes will have ‘quiet time’ after lunch, to provide a chance for staff to clear up and prepare for afternoon sessions.
  • Make sure that residents who take longer to finish lunch have plenty of time to participate in meaningful activities in the morning.
  • Request that residents who take longer to eat their meal are served promptly.
  • Consider delaying the start of scheduled activity sessions until later in the afternoon.
  • If you have some residents who finish their lunch quickly and are keen to get going, then involve them in your preparation. Give them tasks to do, such as sorting, laying out equipment or tidying up from previous activities.
  • Ensure your sessions feel inclusive for the entire duration. You will always have residents who wish to dip in and out of sessions, or residents who arrive later than others. Find a way to welcome residents into your session whenever they arrive, quickly running through what you have been doing or discussing, so they don’t feel excluded.

Don’t put yourself under too much pressure to perform. The best activities are the ones where people feel relaxed and comfortable.

Best wishes,


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